Definition of Chi and Tai Chi

Definition of CHI and TAI CHI Chi: Roughly, this word translates to a power, force or energy of changing that can’t be seen. When they first created this word they were referring to two main types of energy or changing- Four element materials – earth, water, fire and air. And All the Life forms –

Bodhidharma Sutra – from Dharma Self Being

The Bodhidharma Sutra The Bodhidharma Sutra and the direct nature of Zen philosophy can hit the heart and create a sharp awakening. There is a large gap between Bodhidharma philosophy writing and the philosophy that Sifu teaches. But still, for the beginner level, the foundation truths are amazing to purify the consciousness, create Dharma Joy

Tai Chi Master Secrets: 9 Soft Explosions

Tai Chi The team share top tips and updates recently: JC: Move like a jellyfish, no tension Brooke: Awareness of other hand (non-weapon hand) to balance ZenTim: To reach extremes, must have sharpness but no tension Michelle: Practice moves where hand follow, every second, shoulder remain relaxed, NOT hand guiding Red Bull: Floating paintbrush move

Buddhism Key Word Definitions – draft

Definitions   Definition of Awareness Creates our feeling about life. The result from whatever we connect to in life (Illusion being, receiving, thinking, and action.) The 5th Development (From Five developments philosophy)   Definition of Awareness boundary What we live in every second. We can only feel what we are aware of and nothing more.