
TAO The secret Inner Force to open the mysterious paradise in every life.   In every life we have a deep unbreakable command, it is heading the direction of avoiding pain and suffering, as well as the direction to find pleasure joy and contentment. To live life is to find the path to help us

Meditation techniques – More details

No-I listening meditation 1. Using sound to have no I, have no label to recognise sounds, 2. Using sound to be free from searching heart, through observe sound observe what is listening to the sound, free from searching, observe the observer, then out of listening to all the sounds, separate and free. 3. Pure observer,

Fake Proud

Fake Proud Life has suffering – the cause of this suffering is a poison and blind consciousness which is from yourself – you cannot blame other people. Every life wants to be free to be able to do what they want – so trying to control them towards what you want is not going to