7 Chakras

7 Chakras   Definition of Meridian Lines and Nerve Points: Meridian lines – a meridian in our body is just like a freeway system in a country. It helps transfer various types of information to different parts. The connection points between meridian lines – the nerve points, would be just like freeway junctions, which allow

Extreme Perfect Taiji – Dragon Breathe, Fu Shi

20140706 – Extreme Perfect Taiji, dragon breathe, Fu-Shi   Whether you want to aware fast or you want to aware slow, your intention creates the energy vibration which becomes what the move looks and feels like Create weird lame intention create weird lame move I. Create intention to enjoy challenge to be philosophy create extreme

Move pitch perfect as the music

“Move pitch perfect as the music” This is a philosophy Sifu shared on Friday night, and he linked it to hold nothing. If my full concentration is to move in harmony, just like the music and the melody then my awareness is no longer in holding any blind habits. My awareness is in creating moving

Life begins

Life Begins If our desire should not exist If we should not follow our passion If I never have to act If you never have to share emotion If no one ever has to think Tell me Tell me Tell me Why we are we existing for? Meditation to be empty? Searching to be empty