Bodhidharma Sutra – from Dharma Self Being

The Bodhidharma Sutra

The Bodhidharma Sutra and the direct nature of Zen philosophy can hit the heart and create a sharp awakening. There is a large gap between Bodhidharma philosophy writing and the philosophy that Sifu teaches. But still, for the beginner level, the foundation truths are amazing to purify the consciousness, create Dharma Joy and bring the chance to create intention to be student of Amitabha Buddha in his pure land.

Book: The Zen Teaching Bodhidharma

Chapter 1: Outline of Practice

MANY roads lead to Dao, the path, the way.
But basically there are only two: One is Logic. The other is Practice.

Sharp, direct Zen style for the beginning. “There are many roads… but well, actually there is only 2

First One: Logic Awareness Ability connect to sub consciousness.
To enter the way by logic means to deeply be aware of the essence. To be aware that all living things share the same essence. This truth, which is not apparent, is covered by sensation and delusion.

Difficult to be aware of essence as it has no form. Blind consciousness only aware of form and then become lost into that form to take as true self. From this foundation blindness all suffering appears

Those who turn from delusion back to reality, who meditate on the walls, the absence of self and other, the oneness of mortal and sage , and remain with Dharma Joy. Without moving, without effort, they enter, we say, by reason.

Aware No I, No Human, No Lifeform, No Lifetime. Remain with that awareness until become natural being into deep heart awareness. Not just learn at the mental level.
Unsure of the technique to mediate on walls. The legend of Bodhidharma says that he sat for 9 years in a cave near Shaolin temple to meditate facing a wall. I have no real unde of that meditation technique.

For current level a way into the meditation zone is done by connecting to nature, practicing martial arts to open internal energy then into 4 elements meditation into Observing Life Sound technique. To observe all the sound rise and fall, come and go, heart back to peace, back to essence. Observe the Observer. Free from regular awareness boundary into deep joy. Reconnect to will and intention to be student into Amitabha Buddha pure land.
Because of that, the road into the Tao is through Practice, which is into to the second part of Bodhidharma writing. However a wall from time to time maybe a worthwhile challenge. 😀🤔🙏🏻

Bodhidharma teaching comes back to sharply hit one continuous point.
That is, Be aware of true nature, be aware of essence. That is Buddhahood.
That is the awakening and also the foundation to awaken 4 eternal hearts. The True self is not whatever you are aware of. It is the awareness ability, which has no form. This develops correct understanding and intention and the ability to live in Dao. 🐲☯