Buddhism Summary from Sean Free

So much joy reading and practicing back to essence 🙏🏼😌

Sound you hear sound.
No sound you hear silence.
Ability to be aware always there, eternal, never change.

Observing self being bodhisattva aware the highest, observe the sound. Observe Buddhahood is not the sound, not the silence, not good not bad, not brightness or darkness, but the ability to be aware all that’s Buddhahood.

Buddha is the ability to remain aware Buddhahood and help everyone become aware.

Great force bodhisattva observe all 6 sense to be aware our essence, instead of using them to be lost in external information. Purify them then we can be into Amitabha Buddha’s pure land.

Aware the essence is not to think, it’s the power behind thinking. It’s like a boat help you get to the other side, you have to let go of the boat.

Listen the listening ability, not listening the information, sound or silent. Who is listening, that’s the essence, not what you hear.

Not aware the essence is like a blind man to clean the place, bumps into everything and can’t see the dust. Aware the essence is like clean with the lights on, can clean out all the dust.

Out of the essence lost in the 6 sense information. If your heart doesn’t take this with possessive blindness, then your heart in this lifetime can experience internal pure land, even in this world.

What is Buddhahood? Never hold, hold nothing and nothing can be hold, remain pure.

Blindness force makes us always lost in blindness searching heart, that is the bad emperor. We have to bring back the good emporer, hold nothing.

Our essence when it’s open it’s bigger than any space, all the universe. When it’s shrunken there is nothing smaller or more detail, smaller than any atom, smaller than empty space.

If you create positive, joyful energy, then you spread this everywhere. Create negative energy you spread this everywhere. Once we are aware of our essence we will still be lost in our blind I and mine. One side has to be aware of not being lost in the blindness, other side has to be aware of the essence, remain with that pureness.

5 types of pollution make us not aware our essence.

1. Greedy for money
2. Possessive for materials
3. Crazy for famous
4. Greedy for eat
5. Lazy for sleeping

The trick of greedy is you will get something and you will be happy. But you get it and want more. You’re just lost in the greedy power.

Someone jump from a building when they jump they feel regret. Who regrets? The Buddhahood, regrets that they didn’t develop.

Have a big bed if your heart is restless you will not sleep. Have a small bed and your heart is peaceful you will sleep deep. So it’s not about the materials, it’s about pure heart to enjoy.

When people say they are good, doesn’t mean they are good. When they say they are bad, doesn’t mean they are bad. That is their illusion.

No coming or going.
Coming is searching
Going is possessive.
Not coming, not going, nothing bother you.
Possessive and searching create all the troubles and worry.

Observing self being
Observing for blind self being
Observing our self being and aware we still have a lot of blindness
Observing power is the self being, so no need to observe anymore.
After that realize self is a combination, no true individual self. Then aware everything is all just being together, which is all causation United as illusion.
Because it’s illusion, then being is nothing being, so even being disappear.
Even being disappear then back to pure empty.

Some people do the meditation very concentrated to purify themselves. But in normal life don’t try to purify. The reality is in normal life you have to train as the main cause. Meditation is a short time, regular life is a lot of time. So training there will create the greatest force.

Speaking karma is the quickest way to make a mistake. When bad intention appear, put a zipper to your mouth. Or it will create bad karma so quick, faster than any action takes.

Try hard to purify blocks your power. Directly aware life is illusion and essence is pure.

Amitabha Buddha want to take away suffering and provide unlimited joy. If we want to get rid of suffering receive unlimited joy, then double will will match.

In philosophy class you just practice and train. If you can’t bring the philosophy into your normal life then your training hasn’t graduated.

When you fail from a test, it’s not to complain, it’s to have appreciate heart to learn more.

Birth and death is just possessive heart to the information. When possessive heart can let go, no beginning no end can appear.

Namu can also mean observing.
Amituo for – is our true self.
So namu amitua for is like observing self being.
Namu aware observing is our essence.