Definition of Chi and Tai Chi

Definition of CHI and TAI CHI
Chi: Roughly, this word translates to a power, force or energy of changing that can’t be seen.
When they first created this word they were referring to two main types of energy or changing-
Four element materials – earth, water, fire and air.
All the Life forms – external movement ability and internal chakra energies creating energy.
Although one could argue that the life forms themselves have a body that is also made of the same eternal four elements. The difference is that consciousness connects to / creates or directly influences the four elements that make up their body but a typhoon for example is from nature’s or the universe force.
Today we could also add in a machine style energy which refers to Chi that is generated or controlled by a machine to create movement, force or changing etc. these machines didn’t exist when the word chi was originally created.
Tai-chi is defined as being the utmost limited. Which means it is the highest you can reach while still being limited. If the final goal is to one day be completely unlimited, Tai-chi refers to a process, path or system for developing the ability of the final goal.
While we are still on this path towards this goal of unlimited we are still limited. So the utmost limited means the highest One can reach without having finished the journey. This is the process of still practicing and learning tai- chi.
Once one reaches the final goal, they will no longer be limited. After all, the final goal is to be unlimited. this is called Wuji. Wuji is when the consciousness is free to play with extreme opposite forces (yin and yang), without getting stuck or trapped (limited) in either of them.
So Wuji is the final goal, and Tai-chi is the path towards that goal but not the final. That is why it is translated to be the utmost limited. Because it is the highest one can reach without being completely unlimited yet, Taichi is what we practice to eventually reach Wuji. Unlimited.
Level never drop. Observing self being non stop. Eternal wisdom and compassion 💪🏼🙏🏼🕉☯🐉☺