Bodhisattva Story

Bodhisattva Story From Pure Name Buddha Book, talking about a story of Siddhartha Buddha speaking with Bodhisattvas. Some Bodhisattvas want to learn how to develop Pure Land. And they ask Siddhartha: “We already have Bodhisattva ability, we already have developed four eternal hearts, and we have direct heart, pure heart want to help every life,

Equal heart awaken: Meaningful

Equal heart awaken The most special persons are those who never try to be special. But are aware every life is special in a different way. Because they respect every life is special in their own way, including themselves, means they never have to try hard to be special. Because of this they will naturally

3 spiritual dharma developments

Sunday Class Sunmary Part A: 3 Spiritual Dharma Developments 1. Natural Being- Spiritual Dharma development. Character already developed from past lifetime , which became natural force for this life to continue developing spirits. 2. Two types of Regret -spiritual Karma developing First type Feeling Regret. (Regret from emotion. ) Human consciousness normally in this stage.