Cultivating Kindness: A Six-Step Journey through the Kindness Hearts Meditation

Cultivating Kindness: A Six-Step Journey through the Kindness Hearts Meditation. Part 1

So how do we find inner peace?
Is it waiting for us? Must we create it?
This Kindness Hearts Meditation is one way we can grow it ourselves.
It comes from the wisdom of Siddhartha Buddha in the Metta Sutra.
He shared a profound and structured approach to cultivating kindness towards oneself. And then how to radiate it out to all living beings — past, present, and future.
It is a great feeling please try it!
This meditation encourages us to tap into our inner force. A force that can spread our compassion outwards like warmth from the sun. It can touch our hearts and others.
Let’s explore the steps of this meditation and the deeper layers of meaning they unveil.

Step 1: Self-Compassion — Nurturing the Kindness Within

Kindness Keart has two sides. One side is loving life.
This is the natural seed of kindness inside of us we can nurture. If we did not have this seed we can never grow our kindness.
But to nurture this powert to grow stronger we need the other – the wisdom farmer to take care of it.
Children only have one side. That is why their loving life power often brings them pain and suffering.
As adults most of us have lost this orginal power and are stuck in “wisdom farmer” stage. Where everything is serious and heavy.


  • Begin by finding a quiet and comfortable place to sit or lie down. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, allowing your mind to settle.
  • The first step of the Kindness Hearts Meditation involves observing. Observing what? Observing your thoughts and emotions.
  • Like you are sitting on the edge of a river watching water flow past you. No one drop of water is more important than the other.
  • Or like the leaves and sticks floating on the water. They twist and flow and disappear as well. Back to flowing.
  • In this neurtal zone, go back to find your memories as a child. Joy and fun and play and adventure. You can be anything. Imagination free. No filter between thoughts and feelings and speech!
  • Enjoy this zone for as long as you like.
  • Try to bring it into your daily life step by step.
We do not need to create new kindness to ourselves in this way. We first must go back to find it.
We never lose this power. That is how amazing life is!
This is self-kindness: the self as pure kindness heart with the force to guide it through developing wisdom.
This feeling can also graduate into appreciation or feeling lucky, then it migth be a sign you are ready for step two.

Step 2: Expanding Kindness – Radiating to Others

Having nurtured self-kindness, shift your focus to extending this warmth to others. Visualize your heart glowing with kindness, and imagine this radiance reaching out to touch the hearts of those around you – your loved ones, acquaintances, and even those you may not know well. This step involves developing a genuine wish for the well-being and happiness of all beings. As you do this, you’ll likely notice a sense of connection and empathy blossoming within you.

Step 3: Healing the Past – Kindness to Forgotten Karma

Now, redirect your kindness towards the past. Reflect on your previous actions and any karmic connections that might have caused pain knowingly or unknowingly. This step encourages you to heal and reconcile with your past actions by extending kindness towards them. Doing so releases any lingering guilt or negativity, fostering a sense of forgiveness and growth.

Step 4: Embracing the Future – Kindness to Unknown Lives

As you progress, shift your attention to the future. Envision encounters with beings you’ve never met – strangers, animals, and even life forms beyond our comprehension. Cultivate a kind heart that extends to these unknown lives, wishing them happiness, safety, and freedom from suffering. This forward-looking kindness opens your heart to the infinite possibilities that lie ahead.

Step 5: Eternal Sunshine of Kindness

Imagine your kindness as a radiant sun, perpetually shining in the sky of your heart. This visualization symbolizes the eternal nature of kindness – a force that continues to illuminate even in challenging times. Just as the sun provides warmth and light to all, your kind heart provides comfort and support for every being you encounter.

Step 6: Universal Kindness – Embracing All of Existence

In the final step, expand your kindness beyond the limitations of time and space. Envision your heart as vast as the universe, radiating kindness towards all corners of existence – past, present, and future. Just like the teachings of Siddhartha Buddha, this step reminds us that kindness transcends boundaries and encompasses the entire tapestry of life.


The Kindness Hearts Meditation, as inspired by the Metta Sutra, guides us on a journey of compassion and self-discovery. Its six progressive steps teach us to cultivate kindness towards ourselves, others, our past, the future, and all of existence. This practice is a powerful reminder that kindness is not just an act, but a state of being that has the potential to transform lives and shape a more compassionate world. As we immerse ourselves in this meditation, we unlock the infinite capacity of our hearts to shine with the light of kindness, making our own lives and those around us brighter and more meaningful.