Inner force develop consciousness Buddhist Wisdom

Strengthening Our Inner Force: The Three Stages to Develop Our Consciousness

Strengthening Our Inner Force

  • How can we learn to develop so that everything develops from the inside?
  • If the inside is so important, why do we exist with an ‘outside?’
  • Where are harmony and patience if everything depends on internal?
  • Where does being ego-centric / selfish end and ‘inner force’ start?

Stage One: What is Inner Force? Consciousness

Even the dictionary has many!

So, where do we start?

  • Body, Mind and Spirit represent our inner force.
  • Internal can be about causationOur intention becomes our thinking, becomes our speaking becomes our action.
  • Internal can represent feelings. Feelings are created through the 5 Skandhas or 5 Developments: Information changes, we receive it, calculate, act and awareness.
  • Internal can represent our consciousness. The ability to be aware of everything. Because everything going on internally is our feeling, we can understand our inner reality by understanding how this feeling is created.

Step Two: Develop your consciousness to be aware of all 8 functions

  • 1–5 Senses: The body is our tool to learn everything else about life.
  • 6 Thinking/calculation ability: Understand what is thinking and how to use it properly.
  • 7 Ego / Identity — separate from everything else
  • 8 Hidden Consciiounses: Mysterious force only open when we leave the body
  • Healing opens up and corrects our bodies. Help us to stay bright and share with others. How can we become more tension-free?!
  • Tai Chi helps us train and unite our energy and force, creating inner peace and free joy anytime. we want.
  • Training Feng Shui develops our observation of the space around us to influence if we can in a healthy direction.
  • Reading philosophy helps us to understand our psychology, moods, emotions and inner world deeper to create inner peace.
  • Training our observing ability through observing meditation and enjoying nature opens our minds
  • Practice Kindness/generosity helps us to make our ego less important. Which in turn expands our consciousness.

Level Three: Inner Force becomes a creator of our body, mind and spirit.

  • either we have the wisdom and can share it. Or;
  • we have not developed the wisdom yet, and can practice it!