Piang Moments

Equal Heart

Piang #1: We don’t learn equal heart in an equal world. We learn equal heart in an unequal world.

Sifu explanation:

Equal Heart one side – All this ego our blindness our stupidity our attitude and behaviour is not bad if you use Observing Self Being and change it. But if you don’t change it then it’s like you are dirty and don’t shower. You don’t really awaken from your own blindness. Instead you are supporting blindness. It’s like you are dirty and support stinky!

Equal Heart other side – once you are clean you are aware you can be cleaner. Before you used only soap and now you use blue scratchy cloth! The best is to learn from Bodhisattva and Buddha wisdom and compassion. And you learn free from blindness.

So then you learn Equal Heart in both ways.

Piang #2: Four levels of Observing Self Being.

Especially number 2, to be aware we are stuck in number 1! Just observing and supporting our blind self-being – our ego keyhole: what we want, want to be and what we looking for and our habit. Well we are all stuck there most of the time.

Wisdom to aware everything is different but not have any comparing is very high wisdom. And you can free from that you are out of a lot of suffering. Aware difference is important – eat with mouth and goto toilet with bumhole.. know the difference.

You start to become a more tolerant heart for everything. You aware they are equal important in a different way, in a different function, but still different. That will make you see life from many anglers not your own ego angle.

Piang #3: Cleaning can improve martial arts.
