Wu Wei into Amitabha Buddha System

What is Wu-Wei? 無爲



  • Wu-Wei means to Act without I

Daoist explanation:

  • Act without I, remain in harmony, but go with extreme opposites

Buddhist explanation:

  • Aware Life is Illusion, there is no-I to act

Either is very hard to do! 

Enjoy practicing towards that!


Wu-Wei into Amitabha Buddha System

There is no stronger jail than ourselves

      1. We are so strongly stuck in it, but just like every bubble it will soon pop and disappear.
      2. Wise consciousness can remain, at the same time, aware life is an illusion and not be trapped by it. The true jail is to be unaware that it is an illusion.
      3. Practice your disciplines to be free from your body, free from your thinking, free from your experiences, free from I into Nirvana.

To awaken means to take out your temporary illusion-I, illusion-self, to observe life.

      1. Normally we only observe through our temporary illusion I. This is our keyhole to judge everything. 
      2. Only when we are free of our little keyhole can we have a chance to see the whole universe again.

Wu Wei – To act without blind ego I.

      1. Any I is a blind ego I

 Use Wu Wei to practice the Amitabha system.

      1. Wu Wei is away from blind action, so at that moment, use Wu-Wei in the present to follow Amitabha Buddha System 3 conditions – hold nothing, create no bad karma and bow sincerely. Be like the lotus.Then you are living a lotus system, take all the negative and blind muddy dirt and grow a beautiful, wise, kind lotus.

Create philosophy wisdom dreams to help other life, and make life meaningful in a joyful way.

      1. Share the philosophy and make life meaningful. 
      2. Through meaningful action to feel joy and develop wisdom

Be the director to change blind temporary, blind habit I dream, into a meaningful dream.

      1. Purify system, blindness is the muddy dirt that can become a lotus.

Develop a meaningful life dream, but be aware the dream is still an illusion. No I, no human, no life-form, no lifetime.

      1. When you try to make life meaningful, you create an ego, so you still have to free yourself from that “meaningful” ego. This ego can be much bigger than a regular ego.

Take “I as important” is where all the suffering comes from.

      1. Simple sentence, but so powerful.

Pure heart, pure concentration to be aware of the difference, with no judgemental I.

      1. No I, does not mean to be aware of nothing, it means to develop towards becoming a Bodhisattva. Life remains an illusion so remain aware of all the angles of life without a judgemental heart.

See through the illusion, observing all blind life is trapped in the illusion, without judgement ego.

      1. We are aware we are trapped in an illusion, then we see others also like that so compassion comes from there. 
      2. If you are only observing your own being then you are not developing the Bodhisattva system. Every life is trapped in a similar way, so an equal heart will start to appear.

Start to view life as a dream illusion, watching a movie, I’m here to enjoy and learn within this human experience dream.

      1. I’m hear, now, learning life is an illusion and how to enjoy it

Towards Wu Wei is towards Amitabha’s heart and system.

      1. Amiraba Buddha kindness has no I, but acts to help every life.
      2. Also taking out ego, already means we are back to the pure zone to observe life again.

If you truly understand Buddhism and Amitabha Buddha’s system you will not have a searching heart, because you are already found.

      1. Answer is to purify the illusion, not try to find something in the illusion.
      2. Free from trying hard, always searching – searching for I or a searching-I: free from both.
      3. But still have a kind and wise heart, create pure land kindness for self and others.
      4. The Amitabha Buddha System wants you to reach that. So if you understand both, you are on the path to awakening

Wu Wei can be used to develop 4 eternal hearts.

      1. 4 Eternal Hearts is another way to talk about Wu-Wei.
        1. Take out your I to act – No I, no negative personal, no stupidity no greed – instead a kind way, caring way, wise way, free way without greedy way – a generous way. 

Wu Wei is the system to learn to become Buddha. It is also the most powerful way, the wisest way to reach Amitabha Buddha Pure Land.

    1. Observe your heart every second to remain pure and kind. I am so lucky to learn all of this. Amitabha Buddha is so kind to share these 3 points for us to reach the level to be out of suffering – thi is so amazing. My goal is to do my best.

How to practice:

When you bow to any Buddha.

Be aware of your will – not yourself

Be aware of Buddha’s Will – which is also no I

Then you are practicing act without I


For example: 

When you bow to Amitabha Buddha.

Be aware of your will – not yourself

Be aware of Amitabha Buddha’s Will – which is also no I

Then you are practicing act without I


Further practice: 

See 3 eternal freedoms meditation technique 
