Bodhidharma Sutra – Discussion and practice tips

Bodhidharma Sutra – Conversation between Double Dragon Dharma Self Being and Dharma Joy

“Third, seeking nothing. People of this world are deluded. They’re always longing for something-always, in a word, seeking. But the wise wake up.”

Been reading the Bodhidharma translations most morning. Sinking more to heart and it’s cool to observe regular life from that angle.

Been writing own notes to help it sink deeper to heart.😀👌🏻

We mostly live life searching. For this, for that, constantly seeking the next thing. Food, money, house, car, sex, satisfaction, security, excitement, status. The list can be endless.

But everything we search for appears and disappears. It is illusion. It’s Empty. And the final result (if you don’t see through it) is it’s back to empty anyways.
💀🙏🏻 and that process can go on for a long long time.

And the only thing that is eternal doesn’t actually appear.
And if you can’t observe that which doesn’t appear then you are blind.
And that blindness results in a lot of suffering.

How tricky is that ?
So how to observe the essence ?
How to remain in that zone all the time, not just occasional in but mostly out of it ?


Ben Cullen: 😀🙏🏻

Seanpig: Cool Bull 🙏🐉 but what is the answer to the last bit?

Practice disciplines all the time?? This would be pretty dry, or?

Ben Cullen: Well still observing. But essentially questions relate to how to become Bodhisattva. And to become Bodhisattva 1st level is to be aware of 100 million universes and have purified those universes.

So for our level what is the reality ? Because for this temporary I there is a struggle to keep just one mini universe (the body) in harmony.

So am observing the 3 Eternal Dharma Chop as one way into it or as Bodhidharma translation. How to enter the path.

if remember correctly it’s:
Bodhidharma Observe Essence Wisdom
Into Observing Self Being (Heart Sutra) Into Amitabha Buddha System 3 Conditions.

Discipline is essential yes. But it’s just one of the Bodhisattva characters. And I think there discipline level is super super high.
But if we had the discipline (and ability) to eternally share Dharma Wisdom with other life and help other life be aware life is illusion then yes we would have no more suffering. As that ability means all the other 6 have been developed.

What do you observe ? 😀🙏🏻

Seanpig: I observe deeply develop 6 Bodhisattva characters is a good human level approach, so mostly heart sutra wisdom. You answer is more complete I think 🤔 😊🙏🐉

Ben Cullen: Mostly just amped up on morning green tea and coffee mix
☕ 😀🙏🏻[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column]