Thinking, not-thinking, not not-thinking

Life meditation – Willing Heart – “Not-thinking, not Not-thinking.” Not thinking Not thinking about I and mine. Describes ego in two ways Not not thinking Directly aware spiritual intention Together Unite your power to directly live with pure willing heart. In life when we think, we always do it through ego: I and my. What

Poem – Choose Love, Follow Wisdom

Super awesome Sifu 😎💚🐲🙏 Choose Love Follow Wisdom Create a great joyful day Controlled by greed Trapped with blindness Become bad karma If your heart wants to be awakened now … freedom appears If your heart stays with illusion ego … suffering forever We can create a joyful life journey by loving everyone… Kindness to

Buddhism Summary from Sean Free

So much joy reading and practicing back to essence 🙏🏼😌 Sound you hear sound. No sound you hear silence. Ability to be aware always there, eternal, never change. Observing self being bodhisattva aware the highest, observe the sound. Observe Buddhahood is not the sound, not the silence, not good not bad, not brightness or darkness,

Bodhidharma Sutra – from Dharma Self Being

The Bodhidharma Sutra The Bodhidharma Sutra and the direct nature of Zen philosophy can hit the heart and create a sharp awakening. There is a large gap between Bodhidharma philosophy writing and the philosophy that Sifu teaches. But still, for the beginner level, the foundation truths are amazing to purify the consciousness, create Dharma Joy

What is Direct heart?

What is Direct heart Being truthfully understanding Life Which is – Aware” life is illusion “ No I, No human, No life forms, No life times No fear, try to run away No searching, greedy for illusion No hold, out of persistent No grab, free from try hard For that Heart is awaken Ready to