4 Noble Truths – more detail

4 Noble Truths

Human Level:

1. Life has suffering:

This should not be confused with Life is suffering, or suffering is a part of life. Life can exists without suffering. The notion of life is suffering is an incorrect translation, even in our current life, we don’t always endure suffering. However, it is obvious that life does have suffering, and this needs we need to be aware and accept this.

2. We receiving suffering by creating and holding onto this suffering:

Our Blindness causes us to create suffering, and then hold onto it. We don’t understand why we suffer, and our Greed, Desire, Stupidity etc. causes us to hold onto it.

3. Destroy the cause:

The only way to be free from suffering is to destroy the cause. Like a weed, if you don’t remove it from the roots, it will always grow back. This is the same with our suffering. To remove it fully, we must observe and then destroy the cause (our blindness). All other options are patches, rather than cures. Sometimes, patching the suffering can make it feel better, but only for a temporary time. At this stage, the consciousness will ultimately fall back into some kind of suffering.

4. Once the cause is destroyed, Nirvana:

Nirvana at this stage is being completely content with the situation. Feeling free and happy, knowing that suffering is at this point gone.

At the Human level, Nirvana is only reached at certain points in time. The level ability means that it will still be a temporary relief, as it is case by case, and the state of Nirvana cannot be maintained indefinitely…

Monk Level:

1. Suffering is Empty:

Knowing that life has suffering, and understanding the cause, leads us to the fact that suffering is Empty. It is Empty because before the suffering exists, there was in fact no suffering – and after the exists, there is still no suffering. Look at this fact from a time point of view, before the suffering occurred there was no suffering, and after the suffering occurred there was no suffering, then the parts in between must also be no suffering – empty.

2. We receive the ability to be aware of the suffering:

Unlike the first stage, when we just receive the suffering, here we get the ability to be aware that the suffering exists. With this ability, we can observe each case of suffering, and analyse it in detail. With the awareness ability, each case can be analysed to be empty.

3. Destroy the things that will take you away from this empty awareness and then lead you back to suffering.

By destroying what leads you back to suffering you ensure that you won’t fall back into suffering.

4. Nirvana. At this stage, the one who reaches nirvana is more free to enter and leave by choice. They understand that suffering is Empty, so will not hold onto it. They may also be able to explore space, without the limitation of the body (out of body).

Bodhisattva Level:

1. Suffering is an Illusion:

By this stage, one understands that suffering is Empty. It becomes clear then that suffering appears, and then disappears. Like everything that lasts for a temporary time, this is an Illusion. If something can appear and then disappear, it is never permanent so are Illusions. Like a movie theater is a blank screen, and can play any Image it wants. The Images are itself an Illusion, and can always appear and then disappear.

2. Receive the ability to help others out of suffering:

Now the consciousness is free to live without suffering, they can receive the awareness ability to help others follow the same path. It is no longer about their own satisfaction, however, to be compassionate so that other life may feel the same satisfaction.

3. Destroy the things that will stop you from being able to help others out of suffering:

Just because someone has a good intention to help eliminate suffering, does not eman they can do it. This analogous to a person trying to save someone from drowning, when they can’t swim themselves. At this level, one must perfect the way to be able to help people release suffering. They must be able to use the abilities they recieve correctly. Compassion is not complete with a good intention, but also a good result.

4. Nirvana:

Now, reaching Nirvana, one can not only stay there from their own accord, they can also help others to reach this point. The compassion can help with the last feeling of suffering, in that the consciousness can now share this freedom with other consciousness. By this stage, the one who is helping can be free by choice to enter suffering, in order to show and help others with the way to Nirvana.

Buddha Level:

1. Suffering is Perfect:

At this stage, one is completely free from suffering, understanding it completely. The idea that suffering is in fact perfect, stems from the fact that suffering is actually our teacher of life. Without suffering, we would not learn. Without learning the truth of life, there is no unlimited and perfect freedom.

2. The receiving of suffering is indeed perfect, so it is embraced. At this point, suffering is no longer bad, but it is rather appreciated and embraced. It is perfect in every sense.

3. ‘Suffering’ is now used purely as a way to teach others about their own suffering, and then using compassion to help them release it. So one must help others to destroy their suffering. The highest level of compassion and wisdom ability.

4. Perfect Nirvana: One can be in unlimited places at once, using divided consciousness to help many. Suffering no longer exists, and many consciousness can learn and share this same level of spiritual joy…

4 noble truths:

Human Level

Life has suffering

We receive the suffering and hold it through blind action

Destroy the cause of the suffering

Nirvana – free from suffering

Monk Level

Suffering is empty

Receive the awareness ability that suffering is empty

Destroy the cause that takes you away from understanding that suffering is empty

Nirvana – free from the body

Boddhisattva Level

Suffering is an illusion

Receive the ability to understand how to change that illusion to a kind and caring power

Destroy the blindness that causes mistakes when caring for others

Nirvana – free from ego through compassion – which then enables the ability to divide consciousness through the will to help others

Buddha Level

Suffering is perfect

Receive the ability to take suffering as a teacher and appreciate it

Destroy other lifes suffering

Nirvana – free (Complete awareness – Buddha)


4 Noble Truths – Human Level

Key Words

Life has Suffering, Receiveing, Create and Hold
Blindness causes suffering. Ego (greed, hate, stupidity) creates blindness, receives and holds the suffering.
Destroy the cause of suffering.
With suffering destroyed nirvana (Tao) will appear (Through awareness we understand. This understanding creates a contentment a human level of Nirvana

One doesn’t reach nirvana, it appears when one can destroy the cause of suffering. Siddhartha’s philosophy of stopping blind action and intention going out and only letting the four eternal hearts intention come out, can be linked with this same philosophy.

Photo by Jay Castor on Unsplash