Searching Heart and Observing Heart

Searching Heart creates non-pure consciousness. It creates pollution such as anxiety, ambition, stress, doubt, possessiveness, and insecurity.

The result of this is a stage of awareness called Worry.

  • Worry that you are not able to receive what you want.
  • Worry that it isn’t as good as you had imagined.
  • Worry that you might lose it when you get it.
  • Worry that other people will be jealous and will take it away from you.
  • Worry that when you get it and compare it with others, it will not be good enough.
  • Worry that you will be trapped with what you get.
  • Worry that you can’t get rid of it with what you have.
  • Worry about the stress of searching for new one.
  • Worry of never feeling content and happy.

Observing Heart is the pure consciousness

Pure Observing Heart is the ability to observe everything without expectation, just patiently and curiously being aware of the truth behind it all. Observing Heart has the power to clean out pollution, purify you, let you live in the present, and be relaxed to joyfully enjoy life one moment at a time. It can also help you see the value of life from many angles. Observing Heart is not ambitious or greedy for temporary, possessive Illusion Being, for materials or other life forms. It can also help you see the true meaning of life without blindness, which is a stage of having good and wise intention.

Observing Heart is an open heart, an empty heart, a heart being free, a heart that wants to get rid of Ego, a heart that enjoys pure sharing, a heart of tolerance and respect to others, a heart of independence that allows you to take responsibility for your life and not want to blame to others.

Developing heart requires Sharing Heart behind it.

From a talk on 6 July 2013.

Developing Amazing Observing Logic Ability

Thinking has two directions. One direction is towards “I and Mine”, which is Ego. When your thinking ability is controlled and is a slave to these two subjects “I and Mine”, then the Ego will get stronger. In this direction, thinking power becomes a blind poison consciousness habit which creates suffering for yourself and others.

Because you live in a forbearance, desire material world which is ruled by Ego, your internal blind habit and external connection towards every other life are polluted in this direction. That gives you very little chance to avoid following your poison habits.

In this case, thinking power becomes a strong, devilish force which traps you in reincarnation.

But thinking power is also the main way for you to move in the direction of enlightenment and understand the eternal truth of life.

Use your thinking power without expectation, just be patient to develop awareness of the logical sense of life. Because thinking power opens your heart towards every angle of life, so your observation ability becomes free and able to sense many details, many directions, and many different points of view from different life forms to form a complete view of life.

If you develop this kind of observation habit, you will no longer limit your viewpoint to that of your Ego. You will not be lost by the power of constantly worrying about “I and Mine”. You will be able to develop a great heart to enjoy life in the present with many possibilities and situations, and without worry about yourself. You will not take your personal negative greed too seriously any more.

To develop a pure observation ability to think of a compete view of life, not just your life, is a path to the eternal truth of life. Because Buddhism is based on the eternal truth of life, the philosophy is eternally true throughout time, space, and the position of any consciousness.

So developing a habit to read, think, and observe Buddhism can help you develop an amazing, wondrous logic awareness ability.

From a talk on 6 September 2012.

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