Nirvana is not a place it’s an ability.

Nirvana is not a place it’s an ability.   Nirvana is not a place it’s an ability. Aware to make every moment perfect, creates a perfect life. Kindness has no enemies. …   Your own Karma is the only thing can control you. Karma create by who? Yourself. Your own karma going to control you.

Live in a joy of eternity

Awaken from birth, aging, illness and death. “The main problem for sickness for modern people, for chronic diseases with all kinds of pain and suffering for modern people.” We don’t value our body as a creation of art As a spiritual temple. We enslave and use our body as a tool looking for temporary time

Immortal Meditation Technique

Immortal Meditation Technique Breathing and warm up Create temple hand pose As you breathe in rotate the pinky-finger side of the hands in towards the body and up like a ball in and up and then rolling away from you, pulling the low stomach in and lifting the chest up and forward gently and raising