
There is always a way to enjoy life in every moment. Enjoying life is wisdom. The ability to create happiness in every moment is true wisdom. If you don’t feel happy, then you have to find a way to make a calculation to be a happy person in your own life, not with other people.


Yoga has a 5000-year-long history. It began in the Himalayan Mountains region, with just a few people who were using magic mushrooms and other kinds of natural drugs to open their deep consciousness. Those who didn’t become psychotic or get killed by the drugs found profound information about life hidden in their consciousness. Later on,

Perfect Poem

Poem about perfect Perfect is not perfect; that’s why it’s perfect. If perfect is perfect then there’s no perfect. Because perfect is never going to be perfect, so it would always remain perfect. True perfect is always complete perfect and never going to be perfect-like. Perfect is a trick: it tricks you to make it

7 Chakras

First Chakra Red energy. Name: Desire Ocean. Definition: The power of wanting Function: supporting the needs of sex, eating, possession, fame, and power to control other lives, as Desire. Second Chakra Orange energy. Name: Passion Lights. Function: controlling the body’s temperature and all the different temperatures in the universe. It’s also the motivation to convince