Energy is not energy

Energy is not energy. Energy is what we call energy. Energy is a mystery. It’s a mystery that we can aware of. Energy exists but truly is empty. Energy is the creative force, but is without observable reality. Your idea of energy is wrong. Light is not bright; light is dark: it reflects off things.


Many people believe that consciousness (thinking power is called brain consciousness) is uniquely human. The French philosopher René Descartes proposed the philosophy of “I think, therefore I am”, but if that is the case then you don’t exist because when you were a baby, you couldn’t think. So that idea is wrong. Animals also don’t

No Existence Meditation

Imagine that you don’t exist on the Earth: the Earth will run perfectly without you! Ahhh: you will feel as if the Earth disappears, and fill with joy straight away. Your Ego illusion makes you think you are incredibly important, but if you were not here, that would just mean less trouble for the Earth!