No Existence Meditation

Imagine that you don’t exist on the Earth: the Earth will run perfectly without you! Ahhh: you will feel as if the Earth disappears, and fill with joy straight away. Your Ego illusion makes you think you are incredibly important, but if you were not here, that would just mean less trouble for the Earth!

Two Buddha-Essence Meditations

In order to climb even the highest mountain in the world, you have to start from the lowest point. You can understand this wisdom today, but it will take you a million lifetimes to feel it from your heart. Buddha’s First Essence Meditation Buddha essence is in you: it wants to teach you to become

The Four Eternal Hearts – Four Brahmaviharas

The Four Brahmaviharas – The Four Eternal Hearts The ancient texts call them Brahmaviharas, but we can use a modern explanation called eternal heart qualities. Kindness without Ego: you have no expectations or possessiveness behind any act of kindness you perform. Care without negative personal emotion: you do not take on another person’s negative emotion


Each awareness you are aware of limits your ability to be aware of all the other awareness. Whatever we value is what we will be aware of, but it is also our limitation until our value is unlimited, until we value all life equally, and until we have no more greed in life. Then there is