7 Chakras

First Chakra Red energy. Name: Desire Ocean. Definition: The power of wanting Function: supporting the needs of sex, eating, possession, fame, and power to control other lives, as Desire. Second Chakra Orange energy. Name: Passion Lights. Function: controlling the body’s temperature and all the different temperatures in the universe. It’s also the motivation to convince


Mantras are secret sounds created by the Free Spiritual Consciousness. During the past few thousand years, around the Himalayan Mountain region, many different generations of holy wise men transferred their consciousness during meditation to other highly spiritual kingdoms or universes. They received the secret sounds of Mantras from the Free Spiritual Consciousness, the creator of

True Love

Summary of True Love This passage describes love as a selfless, generous, and purifying force that helps us connect with and appreciate the beauty in the world around us. It also emphasizes the idea that true love is not bound by time or space, and is not limited to romantic or personal relationships. Instead, true