Original Blindness

Life can be very clear if you understand the wisdom that life comes from cause and effect. Everything which happens surely has a cause. A wise person observes that reality, and understands the whole system of life; how life works. The key point is to use your observing power to observe your life and all

How to refuse

What are the true and fake values of life? To make the true value of life appear you have to learn to refuse all negative character traits. Your character comes from your intention, thinking, and action. These come from your heart. If you are aware of life in the wrong direction, your intention becomes like

The Gates to Eternity: Knowledge, Wisdom, and Will

Knowledge Before you can understand Will, you must remove the Blind Ego Habit of “I know” from your brain consciousness and start using wisdom with the awareness from your heart. If you live in this blind habit of “I know”, your mind is too lazy to stay sharp all the time. When your heart can

How to Purify the Five Developments (Five Skandhas)

Summary of the Five Developments Listen here: Also known as the: Five Aggregates, Five Skandhas, Five Sources of clinging Five developments are Empty Because Illusion being is Empty So our feelings,thinking, Actions, and experience are all Empty In Empty , Heart is free and Joy , out of Ego Dream illusion and relief all suffering

How to improve your level

Human wisdom is low because there are many limitations at our level of existence. These restrictions come from blindness. Our consciousness thinks, “I am the most important, more important than the entire universe.” That is our ego. (Sifu:) At 46, my martial art technique is more explosive than all of you students. Zhang Seng Feng