Amazing 7 Chakras: The Energy Centers of the Body

7 Chakras The body has important energy centres called chakras that impact physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual wellness. The Body’s Meridians and Nerve Points Before delving into the concept of chakras, it’s essential to have a grasp of meridians and nerve points. In our body, meridians serve as a network of freeways, facilitating the transfer

The Gates to Eternity: Knowledge, Wisdom, and Will

Knowledge Before you can understand Will, you must remove the Blind Ego Habit of “I know” from your brain consciousness and start using wisdom with the awareness from your heart. If you live in this blind habit of “I know”, your mind is too lazy to stay sharp all the time. When your heart can

Differences between Eastern and Western Martial Arts

Comparing Western Physical Training and Eastern Martial Arts 1. Westerners concentrate on building up their bodies and are more concerned with their appearance than their performance. If people were racing cars, Westerners would only be interested in the shell. Eastern martial arts are not about caring how big that shell is, but how aerodynamic and


What is the cause of suffering? Suffering is created by your blindness and then received by your consciousness. If your food is hot, but you are hungry and eat it, then your mouth gets burnt. Suffering has no form, you cannot describe its colour, you cannot point at the suffering itself. Suffering comes from your

Human Beings

Humans are one kind of life form which exists on Earth. We use thinking power to develop our civilisation and are the dominant species on Earth, but this definition doesn’t help people understand what human beings truly are. In some religions, humans are the creation of a god. According to science, we are the result