Story of wisdom

Story of wisdom Chapter 1 Blind man touch the elephant There were five blind people that heard someone tell them that the elephant is such an amazing animal. It is huge and powerful. All the blind men got excited and wanted to know what the elephant looks like. So they went to touch the elephant,

Try to get anything, life is suffering 😱

Try to get anything, life is suffering 😱 Fear and worry appear Enjoy to create something for meaningful kindness intentions… Brave heart and wisdom appear 💚☯🕉 Life is perfect joy and wisdom 😊💚🐉🙏☯🕉 Photo by Martin Péchy on Unsplash | Try Hard

Dharma Observer wisdom

Observation 1. Observing Self-being Dharma creator Wisdom will always go with you, it’s an ability not an idea. As you challenge life it’s how you act react in every situation. If your wisdom is high and you can remain calm, positive and free from worry your calculation will be sharp to remain joyful and light.

No true I

When we are alive there is no true “I”, so during reincarnation there is no need of true “I” either. True spirits would only appear if the reincarnation no longer affected our completely free subconscious (the seed of true spirits). Basically, Buddhism is trying to say: “Our true spirit is not any temporary, limited “I”.

Move pitch perfect as the music

“Move pitch perfect as the music” This is a philosophy Sifu shared on Friday night, and he linked it to hold nothing. If my full concentration is to move in harmony, just like the music and the melody then my awareness is no longer in holding any blind habits. My awareness is in creating moving