3 Meditation Controls – tips for practice

3 Meditation Controls There are 3 different levels of control that we need to master before meditation miracles can be achieved. Breath Control: Listening to the breath is the first level to begin meditation. Controlling the breath leads to the next level of control, energy control, as it can help calm and focus energy that

4 Noble Truths – more detail

4 Noble Truths Human Level: 1. Life has suffering: This should not be confused with Life is suffering, or suffering is a part of life. Life can exists without suffering. The notion of life is suffering is an incorrect translation, even in our current life, we don’t always endure suffering. However, it is obvious that

Extreme Perfect Taiji – Dragon Breathe, Fu Shi

20140706 – Extreme Perfect Taiji, dragon breathe, Fu-Shi   Whether you want to aware fast or you want to aware slow, your intention creates the energy vibration which becomes what the move looks and feels like Create weird lame intention create weird lame move I. Create intention to enjoy challenge to be philosophy create extreme

What is the heart sutra about?

Heart Sutra   Heart Sutra is the book for learning the foundation ability of the highest level of Buddhism, Buddhisatva system.   Heart Sutra is a guide for blind consciousness to be awakened.   Being awakened means being out of suffering eternally. This means to understand and be aware of Heart. Heart does not mean

Moving Meditation: Life begins…

Life Begins If our desire should not exist If we should not follow our passion If I never have to act If you never have to share emotion If no one ever has to think Tell me Tell me Tell me Why we are we existing  for Meditation to be empty ? Searching to be