Our heart

To Amazing Daofit Team Heart is resting when see through life is illusion. Heart is amazed when truly understand we can create pure kind intention. Heart can be truthful when observing self-being aware the essence is pure, no beginning no end.😊🙏

Equal heart awaken: Meaningful

Equal heart awaken The most special persons are those who never try to be special. But are aware every life is special in a different way. Because they respect every life is special in their own way, including themselves, means they never have to try hard to be special. Because of this they will naturally

Sifu final Sydney philosophy

Sifu: The eternal truth of life The eternal truth of life is all appear forms are constantly change , so everything can be see as true and not true at the same time. Because everyone sees their own true in their limited angles Because is eternal change ,it would not have nothing stay not change

What is the difference between kindness and generosity

Action only ever appears because of an intention. Generosity can appear in many ways but the intention may not always be from pure kindness. A certain type of seed will produce a certain type of fruit. Blind impure ego seeds will produce blind impure action. Kindness is intention. But it can appear in many different

Amitabha Poem

Cannot appear in diamond stone, Cannot get, cannot own, Muddy dirt crystal clear, open heart has no fear. Carrying all the curiosity seeds, absorbing the philosophy light, one day pure heart will bloom strong. Concentrate Amitabha System dok dok dok Kong. Eternal light, eternal lifetime, eternal birth, amazing double will, Holy Incredible Amitabha Buddha, Ohm.