Avalokitesvara Mantra

  Namo great compassionate Avalokitesvara, May I quickly know all Dharmas; Namo great compassionate Avalokitesvara, May I soon obtain the Wisdom Eye; Namo great compassionate Avalokitesvara, May I quickly ferry all living beings (to the shore of liberation); Namo great compassionate Avalokitesvara, May I soon obtain virtuous skillful means (to enlighten various living beings); Namo

Hell Bodhisattva Bowing practice

After the drama that happened in Christchurch I was a little rattled. I think the idea of that violence happening closer to where I live and by an Australian made it more real for me than normal. The only way to balance out my fear was through bowing to Hell Boddhissatva and connecting the victims

Tai Chi High Level – Steam Hand

Tai Chi Cloud Hand Summary: First Ability – Procedure (Practice until this is natural ability.) All the things you know feel them, not think about them. Power from foot spring point, transition to centre but not straight up, curve up to centre, rotation style, but doesn’t have to twist. Twist take longer but create more

All philosophy is trying to help you reach the same goal

Listening Meditation from the Surangama Sutra – talks about consciousness has no form. So any form you are aware of is not consciousness. Observing Life Sound Bodhisattva has a system not to get lost by any form you are aware of. Heart Sutra says there is no wisdom to get. Diamond Sutra says “Wu ren”

Bodhisattva Story

Bodhisattva Story From Pure Name Buddha Book, talking about a story of Siddhartha Buddha speaking with Bodhisattvas. Some Bodhisattvas want to learn how to develop Pure Land. And they ask Siddhartha: “We already have Bodhisattva ability, we already have developed four eternal hearts, and we have direct heart, pure heart want to help every life,