4 keys to create a happiness life

Moving Meditation The 4 keys to create a happiness life – Kindness heart, Wisdom ability, Health and Training. Introduction Love is the most beautiful and content feeling we can have in life. But love only happens when we develop a kindness heart We often confuse ‘greedy, possessive, wanting as love. In fact that only creates

6 Bodhisattva Characters – Another View

From the ever-kind and wise and delicious-cooking-expert Michelle 🙂 ~~ Enjoyed observing self being with these notes from many years ago. Observing my own blind suffering creations became joyful. Heart also felt joy to purify, strengthen and develop 6 Boddhisattva Characters. ☺🙏💚 4 Noble Truths (human level): 1. Life HAS suffering 2. We RECEIVE suffering

What is our true nature?

What is our true nature? https://youtu.be/E6oBCK84ByM Secret force of life – 3 consciousness, 8 hearts, as 1 as unlimited as empty What is our true nature – Pureness and Freedom See notes in the video.

How to be free from our comparing heart

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfvcfOa0xZY     Pure Name Buddha Story – Blindness has no cause, blindness is the cause Siddhartha Buddha talking in Pure Name Buddha book: How to create spiritual character – link: Joyfully develop spiritual discipline – chop chop – wise choice. Sifu answers, blindness is our natural heart, that is why there is no cause

Tai Chi Master Secrets: 9 Soft Explosions

Tai Chi The team share top tips and updates recently: JC: Move like a jellyfish, no tension Brooke: Awareness of other hand (non-weapon hand) to balance ZenTim: To reach extremes, must have sharpness but no tension Michelle: Practice moves where hand follow, every second, shoulder remain relaxed, NOT hand guiding Red Bull: Floating paintbrush move