Definition of Essence

Definition, function and goal of Essence    Definition of Essence: Means original.  Does not change. Does not come from combination, in fact it cannot come from anywhere – from itself or others.  Cannot be created or destroyed.  Can be described but cannot be pointed out. Can be aware when consciousness is not trapped in awareness

Pure meditation from Sean Free

SR: lying in bed thinking of all kinds of crazy desires I was chasing and all materials, using breathing to calm heart rate down, I started observing, I always struggle turning philosophy into a real feeling, started trying to understand what is life, focusing on illusion being and consciousness, try to feel in reality I’m

Tai Chi Tips

Various Tai Chi Training Tips 🙂 Taiji – Zheng Seng Fung Feel centre affect to your hands or hands affect your centre? Like a flower blooming Hands like a whip because a whip power comes back from spring point under to up body have to have light feeling from centre up and out flow energy

Inner Universe

Inner Universe Universe is prepared for you to wake up your inside universe. That’s why the whole universe is not as valuable as you think. Your heart is more valuable that the universe, the whole universe is built for you to step by step wake up your inside universe. Your feeling. Without you feeling the

Essence of Amitabhas Universe

Essence of Amitabha’s Universe Essence: Amitabha’s Heart is the essence of his universe. He was a Boddhisatva named Hidden Dharma (this was because all the truths/dharma he learned he kept it in his heart and would live by it). His teacher, a buddha knew that Hidden Dharma Boddhisatva was almost going to become a buddha

Pure Name Buddha and Dragon Buddha Philosophy

Conversation between Pure Name Buddha and Dragon Buddha Both Dragon Buddha and Pure Name Buddha appeared on Earth to support Siddhartha Buddha teach wisdom. Greatest Wisdom, Dragon Buddha, appeared as a high-level student. Pure Name Buddha appeared as a wealthy aristocrat. In this conversation, Dragon Buddha is asking Pure Name Buddha questions about life –

Self-nature Buddha Essence

自性如來宗 自性清淨本如來 靈覺成佛觀自在 亡自性苦海無邊 離一切涅槃極樂 世間變化本無礙 心淨隨緣妙智海 隨境轉地嶽現前 不動心當下成佛 Self-nature Buddha essence Self-nature as pure as always Awareness is Observing Self-being Buddha Lost being aware Self-nature suffering sea has no end Away from all blindness waves Nirvana joy has no limitations Illusion-being worlds always free to change Heart stay pure hold nothing create ocean wisdom

Improve your observing ability

By Dharma Kindness. How to improve my own observing philosophy ability: Aware you are not aware of the wisdom, the word, the idea at all; Aware something by understanding what it is not; Aware Eternal Truth by understanding not-Eternal Truth; Aware Style Human style – forbearance, lost in I, searching, influenced from outside, lost in


What is the Buddhist idea of suffering?  Suffering basically comes from going against the truth of life.  Life contains three basic truths, which are called Three Eternal Dharma Truths.   The first Truth is:  All the existing form of Dharma (the mysterious power of life) is constantly changing. No eternity. The second Truth is:  All