Consciousness cannot see itself

Empty Space cannot be destroyed Empty Space has no form, but we can see the form of empty space. Space is not consciousness. The power to see cannot see itself, consciousness is the power to be aware of what you are seeing. However that power cannot see itself. Why? Consciousness has no space. Consciousness is

Pure Name Buddha Extract

Pure Name Buddha Extract Take life as serious you already miss the meaning of life. Have ego you already miss the meaning of life. Life is illusion, what’s there to take as serious? If you do either of these you are lost in the illusion. Essence remains calm and unlimited joy, like tai chi –

Perfect is never easy

Perfect is never easy..  but once you get it , and become nature being ,  Perfect is easy Like your weapon form 

Free Self being

Free Self-Being “ I “ is not important “ Nothing “ is important Searching Heart Stop Searching Heart stop “ No I “ awareness appears With the eyes of no “ I “ Sky Eyes is Opening and aware of … Searching Heart looking for the magic in life. Awaken Heart aware life is magic.

How to handle chronic disease in your family

Response from Sifu regarding how to handle chronic disease in your family. Hi …, We are happy to give you some Philosophy advice. I know it must be a very difficult case for you. But it all depends on how old is your daughter, what kind of chronic disease, how long she has had this