Book of meditation techniques – 4 element meditation

Summary: Step by step work through the 4 elements, starting from Earth (usually the easiest for me personally but up to you.) Once you can feel each one you can enjoy feeling separated from your body The feeling will make you feel light. And feeling light will make you smile. The joyful feeling will create

Four Faced Buddha | Energy God Emperor | Brahma

Four Faced Buddha | Energy God Emperor | Brahma Photo from Chau-Yin Temple (關西潮音禪寺) This photo from my collection – Taiwan, Taroko National Park, Hell Bodhisattva Temple   Sanskrit: Brahma Thailand: Phra Phrom Chinese: 四面佛 Four-Faced Awakened One (四面佛, Sìmiànfó) or Four-Faced God (四面神 Simianshen)              

Pure Name Buddha – Vimalakirti

Pure Name Buddha – Vimalakirti   Full Spiritual name for Bowing: “Holy Incredible, Unspeakable, Unthinkable, Completely Free, Pure Name Buddha.”   Sanskrit: Vimalakirti 淨名 / 維摩詰     Sutra: Vimalakirti Sutra – Link here: Vimalakīrti Nirdeśa Sūtra   Teachings: Book of Meditation Techniques – Pure Name Buddha Pure Name Buddha Extract Pure Name Philosophy: The

Greatest Wisdom Dragon Buddha – Manjusri

Full spiritual name for bowing: Unbelievably wise, unthinkable 10 Dragon wills, Greatest Wisdom Dragon Buddha 文殊菩薩心咒 Wénshū púsà xīn zhòu Sanskrit: Manjushri. See wikipedia here.     Mantra: Soundcloud:   Mantra words: Sanskrit: Om A Ra Pa Ca Na Dhih English pronunciation: Om Ah Rah Pah Sah Nah Jay   Wills: GREATEST WISDOM DRAGON BUDDHA

Moving Meditation – Intention and discipline into one

Moving Meditation Technique 1. Feel like empty open space,🌫 2.. let music move you like the Wind blows the clouds 🌬🌤 3. Don’t take ‘I’ important 😨😔😱 4. Relax – Like Observing nice view in the beautiful nature 🍁🌷🌈 5. Always be aware of the foot step before moving. And use the foot creates power