Life begins

Life Begins If our desire should not exist If we should not follow our passion If I never have to act If you never have to share emotion If no one ever has to think Tell me Tell me Tell me Why we are we existing for? Meditation to be empty? Searching to be empty

Book of meditation techniques – 4 element meditation

Summary: Step by step work through the 4 elements, starting from Earth (usually the easiest for me personally but up to you.) Once you can feel each one you can enjoy feeling separated from your body The feeling will make you feel light. And feeling light will make you smile. The joyful feeling will create

Moving Meditation – Intention and discipline into one

Moving Meditation Technique 1. Feel like empty open space,🌫 2.. let music move you like the Wind blows the clouds 🌬🌤 3. Don’t take ‘I’ important 😨😔😱 4. Relax – Like Observing nice view in the beautiful nature 🍁🌷🌈 5. Always be aware of the foot step before moving. And use the foot creates power

Meditation Training – Back to Essence in Nature

Meditation Sequence – Back to Essence Special thank you to Red Bull for guiding an amazing meditation for everyone. Joyful smiles all around! Meditation Setup Go to a beautiful location in nature – cliffs with some gentle wind and easy temperature is great. Meditation Goal To calm your heart and mind, to absorb some beautiful

Immortal Meditation Technique

Immortal Meditation Technique Breathing and warm up Create temple hand pose As you breathe in rotate the pinky-finger side of the hands in towards the body and up like a ball in and up and then rolling away from you, pulling the low stomach in and lifting the chest up and forward gently and raising