Meditation and Wuji

The idea of meditation is that at the end you understand the system of how the universe works. How life force work and you match that system. Imagine that system becomes all of your consciousness – body/subconsciousness, brain consciousness, I consciousness and hidden consciousness. This can be applied to whatever system. For example Tai Chi


9TH LEVEL OF MEDITATION – TECHNIQUE Poem: 觀自在 不生不滅 無上法 Observing Self being No birth No death No above wisdom 觀世間法,非如來法 還一切因緣,解脫輪迴。 Observing the world No true essence Return all causation Free from reincarnation 觀幻身法,非四大法 離生老病死,法身常淨。 Observing , illusion body Not the 4 elements Away from birth, ageing illness and death Dharma body always pure

8 Stage Meditation Levels

Eight stage meditation Change trouble to incredible Only Brave Heart make Life exciting and easy to pass even there are trouble. Choose developing kindness heart makes life becoming warm and friendly and spiritual Will is possible. Wise choice from heart ,away from blind habit ego and negative suffering karma, is powerful , but directly creating

True kindness meditation

True kindness meditation True kind to self first. True kind to be aware of the eternal truth. Not try to be aware. Eternal truth is eternal kind, truth is eternally patient there waiting for you to be aware of it for that reason it is eternally kind. Essence is always pure, always able to help

Order of Meditation Techniques:

Order of Meditation Techniques: Training Why is training the first one? Because any power in life comes from training. In life we can reach anything through training – some things need one lifetime, others need a million lifetimes to reach. It depends on how deep the power is. It is possible to train towards becoming