6 different causes for experiencing and developing a magical force

6 different causes for experiencing and developing a magical force Through developing and training concentration Through being born with the consciousness ability Through listening to and singing a mantra with sincere heart Through using herbs or medicines to make the energy run stronger Through having the correct karma, being ready to learn and meeting someone

Tao and Intention

Tao and Intention   A simple way to describe Tao is Head Leader.  Whether you are aware of it or not, there is a power leading life. It mysteriously leads every life. If you are not aware, you are lost—you will be like the weak animal in the pack that the predator will eat for

Law of Consciousness

Law of Consciousness One day one very high level Bodhisattva came to ask Buddha, ‘How does a consciousness become a Buddha?’ Then Siddhartha Buddha taught The Law of Consciousness. Life is like these two systems, Mirror System, and Steady Centre Station system. Mirror System: It’s called Reflection. You, as a consciousness, are not able to

Influence others into Spirits

Influence others into Spirits The method one can use to help others find spirits. Sifu uses a four step system: 1. Sympathise – Show the other person that you can relate to and/or understand their issue/situation. 2. Analyse – Analyse the issue or situation that they have raised 3. Generosity – Show kind and care


Blindness The blind man elephant example, is used to show that truth is only the truth when it is complete. If you have one or two parts of many, you will never get the complete truth, only one side of it. So this is why when we analyse we need to analyse from many different


Greed Greed has many sides to create its suffering and is tricky to analyse in oneself. For example, someone may be greedy to keep another person close to them as it makes them feel secure, or they may eat more than they should instead of controlling their greed. They may then even try to cover

No judgement in the extreme Bodhisattva wisdom

Buddha and Bodhisattva wisdom Pure content feeling – holy look from statue facial expression you can copy. Have you felt this? Imagine you could feel one million times this content joyful feeling. Imagine you could also be aware of one million times devilish ways and you aware both. But neither of them trigger your ego

Positive Attitude and Intention

A lot of the time if you want to get rid of negative you directly have to do something positive. A lot of the time I spend thinking about how am I going to help this earth, how am I going to join our force create something to help humans. Less ego, less greedy, less

Pure meditation from Sean Free

SR: lying in bed thinking of all kinds of crazy desires I was chasing and all materials, using breathing to calm heart rate down, I started observing, I always struggle turning philosophy into a real feeling, started trying to understand what is life, focusing on illusion being and consciousness, try to feel in reality I’m

Inner Universe

Inner Universe Universe is prepared for you to wake up your inside universe. That’s why the whole universe is not as valuable as you think. Your heart is more valuable that the universe, the whole universe is built for you to step by step wake up your inside universe. Your feeling. Without you feeling the

Essence of Amitabhas Universe

Essence of Amitabha’s Universe Essence: Amitabha’s Heart is the essence of his universe. He was a Boddhisatva named Hidden Dharma (this was because all the truths/dharma he learned he kept it in his heart and would live by it). His teacher, a buddha knew that Hidden Dharma Boddhisatva was almost going to become a buddha


What is the Buddhist idea of suffering?  Suffering basically comes from going against the truth of life.  Life contains three basic truths, which are called Three Eternal Dharma Truths.   The first Truth is:  All the existing form of Dharma (the mysterious power of life) is constantly changing. No eternity. The second Truth is:  All

Appearing in all Space Bodhisattva

“Without being asked to do so, the Bodhisattva becomes a good friend to each of the multitude of beings and carries their heavy karmic burdens and sins on his back. He upholds the Tathagata’s profound Dharma treasury and protects the seeds of buddhahood, so that they may continue to multiply. Having awakened great compassion for