The True Perfect Eternal Happiness

The True Perfect Eternal Happiness Pleasure, being happy, happiness and joy are different levels of satisfaction. Pleasure is the excitement of the senses; a lot of pleasure forms the feeling of being happy. In Chinese happy is defined as fast pleasure, it comes quickly and disappears quickly. Normally this fast pleasure is related to the

A summary of the Heart Sutra

Is there a summary of the Heart Sutra? Answer The whole philosophy wants to help you reach one thing. The Five Developments are an introduction to spiritual development. They lay the foundation of spirits with one goal in mind: to help you see through illusion so your heart can become free, with no more boundaries,

Listening Ability Meditation

How to develop listening meditation ability. How to purify yourself through the sense of hearing from Observing Life Sound Bodhisattva. When we listen to other people we are listening to what we want to hear. Firstly, you always have a ‘character’ there which describes how you listen. It is the way you listen to anything.

Heart Sutra Explanation – another angle

Heart Sutra – Explanation – Another angle The fastest way to help everyone to be aware of the eternal truth. The fastest wisdom to help every life be awakened. The fastest system to make you aware the truth of life. Observing Self Being Bodhisattva deeply developed the 6 bodhisattva characters and from that became aware