
Karma is strongest causes and effect from all lifetimes So to be in my position karma is already so lucky and great and spiritual relative Intention  – 84 000 a second tidal wave!! Aaaarg 🙂  – from desire from ego from blindness from not understand life fully yet – is just a seed, always there


What is the Buddhist idea of suffering?  Suffering basically comes from going against the truth of life.  Life contains three basic truths, which are called Three Eternal Dharma Truths.   The first Truth is:  All the existing form of Dharma (the mysterious power of life) is constantly changing. No eternity. The second Truth is:  All

Suffering is Perfect Illusion

Suffering is Perfect Illusion Suffering is the teacher for learning wisdom. By learning to see through your suffering and the trick of illusion, then suffering is actually the illusion that helps you end your suffering. That makes it a perfect illusion, because the trick itself teaches you how to get out of the trick.” 😂😂😂

Purify Speaking Karma – The Art of Speaking

From a Buddhism Nun: Purify Speaking Karma – The Art of Speaking Less complaining – more Tolerance. Complaining brings the hate, tolerance brings the Wisdom. Not being sarcastic – show Respect Sarcastic puts people down, respect helps understanding each other. Not to attack other people – but show more care in speaking. Attack creates damage