A Surprising Insight About Freedom According to the Buddha

How can we enjoy freedom if we don’t understand the word, Free? The more definitions we have – the more pathways we can take to reach it.   What subject is even more important than any job, career or identity? The subject of Freedom! Here are many ways awakened consciousness, like the Buddha and Bodhisattvas,

Strengthening Our Inner Force: The Three Stages to Develop Our Consciousness

Strengthening Our Inner Force In our practical Buddhist philosophy class last night, we discussed this sentence about inner force: If everything depends on the outside (outside forces), then you will not be free and will become the slave of the external. If everything depends on the inside (inner forces), then you have wise discipline able

2 Amazing Levels of Meditation – Wang Wo and Wu Wo

Levels of Meditation: The First Two The First Level of Meditation: Forget-I (忘我 Wàng Wǒ) The levels of meditation are explained in many places through Daoist Philosophy as well, so I will summarise: Thinking takes a lot of energy. Thinking is not the highest level of any activity. For example, no professional sportsperson has time

Unlocking Our Incredible Consciousness

Unlocking Our Incredible Consciousness: One Heart, Two Gates Summary of Consciousness and Observing The post discusses Buddhist wisdom and the idea that our consciousness has unlimited force in two directions – one towards greed and possession and one towards kindness, joy, and harmony. It suggests that the key to switching to the latter side of