Tai Chi Master Conditioning Secrets

Tai Chi Master Conditioning Secrets Physical condition No tension Joints, ligaments, fascia, and tendons have no tension Functional muscle development in a balanced way Muscles can move to everywhere Range of motion Any pain makes you cannot move Feel how the body works together for that muscle Triangle and not fat Energy control Once you 

If a leaf exists then the whole universe exists

If a leaf exists then the whole universe exists, if that leaf can disappear, then the universe is also an illusion and can disappear. All illusion, all unlimited. All appear but never there. That’s why Bodhisattva can be aware of unlimited wisdom. Directly observing this eternal truth and remaining awakened. Then develop more wisdom through

Tai Chi – Extreme 4 elements force in harmony

Extreme 4 elements force in harmony – Earth Power –Empty Heart Being Water Flow – Diamond Force Awareness Fire Power –Ice Cold Emotion Wind Speed –Timeless Free Heart

文殊心咒 Dragon Buddha Mantra

文殊心咒 Dragon Buddha  as (Greatest wisdom Bodhisattva Mantra) Om Ara Pa Za Na Deh 唵阿諾 巴扎 納德 唵 Om – 誠心皈依 Sincere open heart towards 阿諾 Ara – 空性大智慧 不生不滅 清淨無染 Greatest Empty Wisdom of Pure Essence No beginning No end 巴札 Pa Za – 空性平等 無有相對 Empty Essence Equal Heart No Relative Compare Heart 納德

The most awesome lucky karma is sharing 

The most awesome lucky karma is sharing Observe the eternal truth of the life. Which is the only chance to get out of blind suffering from reincarnation And understanding the unlimited joy of Nirvana