8 Stage Meditation Levels

Eight stage meditation

Change trouble to incredible

Only Brave Heart make Life exciting and easy to pass even there are trouble.

Choose developing kindness heart makes life becoming warm and friendly and spiritual Will is possible.

Wise choice from heart ,away from blind habit ego and negative suffering karma,

is powerful , but directly creating good characters to others can make life more comfortable and simple.

Appreciation wisdom abilities has unlimited dharma joy, can free our hear from greed, fear and worry , so life remains enjoyable.

Life is amazing if you truly understanding No Space Boundaries, No reality is reality, heart will able to create new spiritual reality

Life is free if we have no greed , see through all the blind illusion and aware life is illusion ,we will connect to Amitabha Pure land unlimited dharma joy reality

Eight stage meditation

1) Observe without intention

Pure curiosity and excitement to aware life

2) Back to innocent

Whole body no tension,breath and body completely united as one

3) Silence of the sense

All the information aware through the senses pass through the body with no ego filter at all sound can be light all the sense information become one.

4) Pure heart awaken

And the body start to show magic force light and space begin to change

5)No Space Boundaries

In this stage of meditation, your consciousness is no longer locked in the human Physical I and is free to travel into different spaces of the universes, without boundaries. Any space can connect to any other space; any space can be seen from different angles at the same time.

6)No Time Limitation

Your consciousness is able to be aware of different times – past, present, future, microseconds (1/1,000,000th of a second), a billion universe births, all of eternity, until there’s no time, until all the different times appear at the same time

7)No Real Is Reality

At this point, your awareness has reached an unbelievable freedom. When space and time become completely free, the consciousness is ending to the result – no reality is the reality – being totally free to be aware of anything.

8)Everything Is Everything

Once you attain total free awareness, your imagination force has the power to create anything. True magic appears and everything can become everything: water can be fire, non-life can become alive, sound can be light, smell can be idea, touch can be taste, and thought can be space…

When you have the power of the Eight-Stage Meditation, a great test will come; you could be lost and become either an Ego God or an Ego Devil (both still trapped in reincarnation). If you pass the test, your True Heart will open and the Four Eternal Hearts will begin to grow, to help unlimited life without Blind ego, and become amazing Bodhisattva,and all the unlimited Buddha’s pure land will open for you .

Life is incredible
