What is our true nature?

What is our true nature? https://youtu.be/E6oBCK84ByM Secret force of life – 3 consciousness, 8 hearts, as 1 as unlimited as empty What is our true nature – Pureness and Freedom See notes in the video.

How to be free from our comparing heart

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfvcfOa0xZY     Pure Name Buddha Story – Blindness has no cause, blindness is the cause Siddhartha Buddha talking in Pure Name Buddha book: How to create spiritual character – link: Joyfully develop spiritual discipline – chop chop – wise choice. Sifu answers, blindness is our natural heart, that is why there is no cause

Tai Chi Master Secrets: 9 Soft Explosions

Tai Chi The team share top tips and updates recently: JC: Move like a jellyfish, no tension Brooke: Awareness of other hand (non-weapon hand) to balance ZenTim: To reach extremes, must have sharpness but no tension Michelle: Practice moves where hand follow, every second, shoulder remain relaxed, NOT hand guiding Red Bull: Floating paintbrush move

Uncovering the Tai Chi Master’s secret: Moving Meditation out of body

How to get higher level   Like a circle, perfect is in every present A Circle needs a perfect angle to come around and back to join, if any angle a little bit wrong and not smooth, it will not come back and connect. To make a perfect circle need every present precise in every

Qian Kun 8 Sun Awakening – Part 3 – You are not your experience

Qian Kun 8 Sun Awakening Part 3: You are not your experience. Hear full recording here: You are not your experience. Last part of the philosophy was teaching us that our self is not whatever the experience we have. And we take the experience we have and the one aware of the experience is called