Bodhisattva Story

Bodhisattva Story From Pure Name Buddha Book, talking about a story of Siddhartha Buddha speaking with Bodhisattvas. Some Bodhisattvas want to learn how to develop Pure Land. And they ask Siddhartha: “We already have Bodhisattva ability, we already have developed four eternal hearts, and we have direct heart, pure heart want to help every life,

Bowing every day

Bow Every day Buddha consciousness has perfect 4 eternal hearts, but no ego to push it on you. Bowing shows your willing heart to accept Buddhas pure kind, care, joy and free. It is speaking and action discipline to create your own spiritual karma. From some saved notes, Bowing is the centre line of my

Uncovering the Masters secret: Tai Chi

1. Kicking with thongs-spring point is a spring of energy – shape Sifu makes with his foot is because he rolls his foot around. Right foot clockwise back to the heel rotation, anti-clockwise twist up onto spring point. – (DK) For example I roll my left ankle collapsed in, so when I build it outways

Diamond heart sutra

Diamond Heart Sutra 1. Aware we are observing for blind self being 2. Observing wisdom 3. Wisdom choice – follow the wisdom 4. Become the wisdom 5. Help others develop internal pure land 6. Develop external pure land help million universe develop external pure land – become 1st level Bodhisattva – unlimited dharma joy. I

Purify chakras

* Desire – graduate to not lost by illusion * Passion – graduate to harmony * Physical – graduate to no tension * Emotion – graduate to compassion, * Thinking – graduate to understand the Eternal Truth of Life, * Intuition – Non stop observe, develop ability to make strengths become sharp so you directly