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Inner Peace Meditation

Inner Peace Meditation

There is a perfect inner peace in everyone’s heart when you stop searching, When you stop looking, when you return to nature.

There is an inner peace naturally in everyone – when we stop searching.

Come back into yourself, close your eyes, and stop searching.

There is a natural inner peace in everyone when their heart stops searching. When their heart calms down, when their heart is living in nature, living in present.

There is an inner peace in your heart that is always there when your heart is open. Open with natural kind, natural care, open without any greed, open with curiosity to learn and understand life.

There is a beautiful heart, a beautiful inner peace, the four eternal hearts, in every life. When they stop being greedy. When they stop being angry. When they stop being stupid, and joyful, free, natural happy inner peace.

Breathe deeply with your whole body, float softly, your body is like a tree, like a flower, when you breath you relax, when you breathe completely there is an inner peace in you.