Nirvana is not a place it’s an ability.

Nirvana is not a place it’s an ability.   Nirvana is not a place it’s an ability. Aware to make every moment perfect, creates a perfect life. Kindness has no enemies. …   Your own Karma is the only thing can control you. Karma create by who? Yourself. Your own karma going to control you.

Book of Meditation Techniques – Pure Name Buddha

Book of meditation techniques Technique by Pure Name Buddha Name:  Bowing to Buddhas – 6 sense into Amitabha Buddha System   Summary Surangama sutra lists the 25 best meditation techniques for human level consciousness. Many are covered in this blog. 1. Appearing in all the Space Bodhisattva – future post to come 2. Great Force Bodhisattva -see

Secrets of Shadow Boxing

What you are learning in martial arts is the highest martial art in the Earth, in all of history. From “human” history there is no one who can develop this. It has a name.   Wisdom Fight: Shadow Boxing The highest way for self-defence is not to use your power, the principle is to reach

How to help sick family members – Medicine Buddha

Full Spiritual Name: Perfect Compassion, Crystal Lights, Medicine King Buddha Mantra:   Wills for learning: Medicine Buddha – Bhaisajyaguru Bowing: Take a minute to observe the facial expression of the Buddha statue. The smile is not for show, but gentle and kind, lips still up The eyes are kind and caring, observing life from all