Hell Bodhisattva appears as a bodhisattva but has reached Buddha level.
Roger was my first student in Switzerland, and he had meditation power like me. I didn’t have to teach him much, only explain the system and he can already do the meditation. He can already become pure energy with lights shining out. I was impressed, because I had travelled through many countries looking for someone who had power like me. We would sit down with pure and open hearts, and the energy would flow freely.
One day we went on holiday. When I drive I like to listen to spiritual music, and one day I put on the Hell Bodhisattva music.
“This music sounds really beautiful, so sincere, what is it?” he asked.
“Hell Bodhisattva,” I replied.
“That sounds like suffering.”
“No, no,” I said. “He goes to Hell to help people out of suffering.”
“That’s amazing.”
“Imagine Hell and all the suffering happening there. Hell Bodhisattva felt so much compassion for everyone there, and he said, ‘I will stay and help everyone out of here.’ And if you try to think of that, that you want to feel his experience, then he will appear. Why don’t we try it?”
So we did the meditation. Roger was driving the car with one hand on the steering wheel and the other touching mine. I imagined being in Hell, the suffering, the torture, all those suffering, darkness, fire… I was scared. I felt like there was too much pain for me to handle. At that moment Hell Bodhisattva (Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva) appeared, sitting on a red lotus, with gold and red lights around him. Suddenly the fear turned to joy and calm.
I explained to Roger that if your karma is connected to spirits through wisdom and compassion, then this can happen to you.
Hell Bodhisattva has two Wills:
- He wants to help everyone who is in Hell to learn how to be pure again.
- He wants to learn the wisdom to help everyone become Buddha first. Only then will he become Buddha: Holy Incredible Last Buddha, Hell Bodhisattva.
His main power is discipline. He teaches people to have the discipline to be pure, to refuse bad intentions.
If you step on a bug, that life experiences massive suffering. By the law of karma, that suffering has to come back to you; that’s why Hell exists, so you can see how much hell karma you have created for yourself, and how many people and lives you have caused suffering to. Hell Bodhisattva wants to help you:
- stop creating hell karma, and
- end the cycle of bad and/or hell karma.
By bowing sincerely to Hell Bodhisattva, while observing and regretting all the bad karma you have caused, you can ask him for help to hold your bad karma until you are at a high-enough level of Spirits that you can release all the bad karma you have caused through purifying each consciousness.
Only when your consciousness has reached bodhisattva level can you go to Hell and release the karma yourself. Otherwise, you will be overwhelmed by the karma and drown in it. A bodhisattva’s level will never decrease as they have wisdom, compassion, and the understanding of dharma – the system of life; they are pure enough to see through the trick of Illusion Being, they can read karma, and divide consciousness to help purify many different life-forms, while continuing to learn from many Buddhas and bodhisattvas.
If you go to Hell to help the life-forms you have caused suffering to, then that bad karma will not come back to you. Bad karma can be changed, that’s Hell Bodhisattva’s Will.
His will is so incredible that it gains even more force with every life that regrets their bad karma and sincerely wants to change, as that life will return to purify their own karma, thus helping even more consciousnesses to purify themselves. Just as one candle can be used to light other candles, which can each be used to light many more candles, his system will help others purify themselves faster than he could alone. This is why his will is so amazing – Holy Incredible Hell Bodhisattva, Last Buddha.
Additional information – listen to his mantra
- No harm towards any life
- Good intention towards every life
- Hold bad karma I have done and feel regret for the lives hurt
- When become Bodhisattva go to learn from him in Hell to help every life out of Hell
This post is from a talk by Forever Wisdom Forest on 25 August 2011.
I would like to know how the mantra om mani padme hung came to be on this earth
Hi Rinzin, as I have learnt, Om Mani Padme Hom was taught by Siddartha Buddha. It is written that when you leave this body (die), if you can remember this mantra Bodhisattvas and Buddhas light will connect to you and guide you into a spiritual pure land. Dharmakindness.