
Ego is not being egotistical or selfish; Ego is when your consciousness takes its Individual I as the main purpose for its existence, which every life does.

When your take your Individual I too seriously and are careless towards others – to the point that you will cheat or hurt other life forms – that’s the moment that Ego becomes egotistical or selfish. Before it reaches this stage, Ego is neither good nor bad.

Ego is only bad when your intention, thinking, speaking, and action are full of negative awareness, such as greed, hate, and stupidity. To prevent bad Ego, begin with trying to control your actions, since directly controlling the intention is the most difficult discipline. Of course, having the ability to directly purify your intention in a positive way is the best situation.

There are also different angles to look at Ego. Because our Individual I will not last eternally, Ego is an illusion, a trick. But for high consciousness which are able to see through the trick, the view of Ego becomes a test or even a teacher.

4 thoughts on “Ego

  1. Zeren John says:

    What can motivate and steer the Ego to be humble? Something needs to bump it out of it’s selfish trajectory?

  2. mattimattimatti says:

    There are too many answers to your question; an accurate answer relies on the individual, the people around them, the timing and every cause that is affecting them. What’s more, they are the only one who can change their Ego and it will only happen when they are good and ready. At that point, they will realise how their Ego is controlling them and look for ways to change things. Learning Spirits is one way to do that.

  3. Dharma Kindness says:

    There is wise way to get rid of ego and stupid way to get rid of ego. Wise way through learn from wise person with great characters. Stupid one learn by suffering to the point cannot forebear it anymore. Wise one bring joy, loving and sharing. Stupid one learn by greed, hate and stupidity. Wel the choice is in us! – Answer by Sifu Happy to share with you.

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