10 Ways to leave the human body

10 Ways to leave the human body  Past karma Present life Causation – 6 different  Suicide Sickness War Overuse Accident/injury  Murder  (Devil and ghost 1 and 2) Neutral old age without sickness  Harmony energy training  Angry god energy training  Good ego energy god religion training  3 of 4 empty self being lifestyle meditation – Rohan 


Yoga has a 5000-year-long history. It began in the Himalayan Mountains region, with just a few people who were using magic mushrooms and other kinds of natural drugs to open their deep consciousness. Those who didn’t become psychotic or get killed by the drugs found profound information about life hidden in their consciousness. Later on,


The philosophy of Buddhism was created by Siddhartha Buddha, but the religion appeared in many different groups, created by ordinary human needs. It has existed for nearly 2500 years. Buddhism also teaches basically the same thing as Taoism: to reach complete freedom (no limitation). Still, there are two main differences between them. The first is