How can we stop falling into blindness?

“How can we stop falling into the same blindness?”

Because we all make blindness mistake…

We want to improve but we fall back so easily. We are aware some wisdom, feel so exciting, then it’s gone so quick.

First angle

“just don’t do it”

Second answer

Tai chi record video system to observe self being your own subconscious development.

Aware many angles helps you to strongly develop wisdom heart.

That wisdom heart help you into Amitabha Buddha Land

Help you match karma into 3 conditions



Why we fall into blind mistakes? Why does this happen? Have you ever wondered?

Red Bull’s Answer

Whenever suffering appears I have taken something illusion as main value instead of true value.

We fall into mistake because we fall into wrong value. 🧐

“Life is perfect” 👌 feeling is not our normal human feeling. Our normal feeling is Temporary lost forbearing world. Blind greedy ego suffering world…. 😞

Just temporary! Nice right we can be free from it. 🤩

We want to find eternity in an unlimited way of good intention so Amitabha Buddha system is our direction 😌🙏

We lost from outside blind karma many lifetimes and inside blind karma.🌪 So it’s easy to make a mistake again and again 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️ That’s normal!

But it’s not ok because you keep having struggle. Don’t punish yourself again and again. 🧻🛁


We always have to remain aware of life the complete view, 🕉 don’t depend on anyone, don’t put true force and true life on other ppl or it will create fear, 🙀 out of possessive to others or anyone on you, see through that already clean one part


develop the best of myself and share the best with everyone. 🤟😊


How to do that?

To do that – clean out my ego important or anyone ego important.

Think of my life, don’t take yourself as important, it’s wonderful. Stop trying to be important. 🙄

Not either one. No one is important. 💆‍♂️🧘‍♀️🌊

Ah everything equal important in a logical way not personal way, personal ego gone. ☀️🎋

You start to understand past present future everything equal important. ✨

Then you understand Four Eternal hearts and Amitabha Buddha system. 😊🙏

True value can’t be important or not important. No personal. Can’t be more or less. True value is true, fake value is fake, changing. 🌊

When you understand true value everything become naturally light. And you will become calm and not repeat mistakes.😌

Sharing is amazing and perfect. You don’t want to share is ugly and same ego not to share.🤨

Take out I am important in every situation without any I. Just care for everyone in a Kindness way without ego. When you do this you naturally connect to 3 conditions. 🕉

Through that you will value Amitabha Buddha system – not one or two or other… that is the true value.

Why does it work?

Because Three Eternal Dharma Truths

Consciousness create all the illusion ☸️🌊

Causation is all illusion 🌪🌊

Our heart creates it 💚

But our heart remains pure, 🕉

We can back to our pure heart and create

Connect to Amitabha Buddha Pure Land.😊🙏



Purify our blindness and then connect to pureness karma, through that you truly value what is true value and then you won’t fall back into mistakes again and again.

Thank you for your photo by julie aagaard from Pexels