Big Bang Wisdom

Big Bang Wisdom



1. Aware you are consciousness not human. Being human is just temporary.

2. Aware this I and mine both are illusion. Life is for pure sharing in a wise way. Not for greedy ego.


Big Bang Wisdom into Unlimited Joy


Supreme Final

1. Accept you will have a lot of negative.

2. Don’t bring this negative to other life.

3. Train back to the essence everyday.


Out of Black Hole Wisdom 

Every negative you have can only be cleaned out by observation of Eternal Perfect Wisdom.

Using human level awareness ego and idea will only create more and more negative. Finally this will create a black hole of which you will be stuck in eternally. 

Same if you try to use muddy dirt water to clean dirty face. Will never work.

Combination of two philosophies is the power to develop Big Bang Wisdom. Like create lights and darkness will disappear.
