4 No I Treasure – Wisdom

1. 1st No-I Treasure – Being truthful


When we want to be truthful, any I, will not work.

Because any I, itself is not truthful.

That is until pure-observer, No-I appear. Then truthful appears.

Pure observation is a hidden treasure, you use it it’s always there, you don’t use it, the hidden treasure remains hidden.


2. 2nd No-I Treasure – Pure Kindness heart towards every life


When the heart is open and naturally kind towards every life, I disappear because it is not about yourself anymore.

It is about how to be kind towards every life.

Convenient wisdom help you slowly from blindness develop and shine.

This hidden treasure takes time to find a way to become pure kindness.

And once pure kindness appears, I disappears.


3. 3rd No-I Treasure – The Art of being natural harmony


When living in awareness of harmony I, being light and delicate, sensitive – I disappears.


Rough, blind, searching, greed, hurry, anxious I, will all disappear when art of being natural harmony appears.


Time disappears.


4. 4th No-I Treasure – No beginning, no end, pure free heart


When the heart is out of greedy it’s always free, it’s always pure.

It’s only greed that covers it, but heart always remains pure and free.


Four treasures are eternal in your wisdom observation self-being awareness.

Like Tai Chi, no one can give Tai Chi, it’s in you.

Four no-I treasures, also in you.

Free Pure, No Ego, self-being, truthful heart is all – nothing you can get.

That’s why Heart Sutra says you can’t get wisdom.

Four treasures you also can’t get because it is in you.

If you search from outside you lose all the hidden treasures within you.


When you stop searching and observe your new I, the 4 hidden treasures are eternally always there…. No beginning, no end in you.






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