The Five Developments: Two Parts of Life

The Five Developments are a sequence of ideas that describe how you create your experiences or awareness boundary. (Your awareness boundary is the limitation of your consciousness, e.g. how far you can see, the level of your education, or your emotional maturity.) The ideas consist of two different concepts: Illusion Being and consciousness.

Illusion Being is the appearance of six different types of information. All life is aware of this information as either existing or not existing: light or darkness, sound or silence, smell or lack of smell, taste or lack of taste, contact or separation, and knowledge or ignorance. As well as the information itself, we are also aware of the tool that connects to this information. The tool is more commonly known as the body and is made up of six sense organs: eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and brain (also called the mind). The term “Illusion Being” refers to the six tools and the six types of information they connect to.

Each life needs the ability to operate or use these senses. This is called consciousness, or the ability to be aware: eye consciousness, ear consciousness, nose consciousness, tongue consciousness, body consciousness, and mind consciousness.

Each different form of life needs a different type of ability to live in that form. For example, a consciousness that connects to (is born in) a human body needs to be able to use the advanced brain which operates that body. A consciousness that connects to a bat body needs to have the habit of using the bat’s advanced hearing.

Habits come from your deep subconscious and stem from what you truly value in life. The habits you form in each lifetime create and develop the ability; this guides the type of body you will inhabit in your next life. This process is called reincarnation.

This relationship between consciousness and Illusion Being is represented by the following table.

Eye Consciousness uses the eyes to sense light or darkness
Ear Consciousness uses the ears to sense sound or silence
Nose Consciousness uses the nose to sense smell or lack of smell
Tongue Consciousness uses the tongue to sense taste or lack of taste
Body Consciousness uses the body to sense contact or separation
Mind Consciousness uses the mind to sense awareness or lack of awareness

The relationship between consciousness, body, and surroundings is described by the Five Developments: Illusion Being (body and surroundings), receiving, thinking acting, and awareness (consciousness).

Your consciousness receives information from Illusion Being. It organises, analyses, and remembers that information, then acts or reacts to it. When you have a clear impression from receiving, thinking, and acting, then you develop awareness. This awareness is a boundary. Boundary refers to both the awareness – your individual experience – and the limitation or level of your ability.

Awareness has two directions: blind and wise. Blind awareness has many parts which are incomplete, while wise awareness has a complete view founded on the truth of life.

Blind awareness appears when you believe that all the information you are aware of is for fulfilling your personal desires, and you concentrate your attention on your feeling of “I and Mine”. Wise awareness appears when you are aware of the truth of life, not willing to accept blindness, and not searching for possessions.

Wisdom appears by being aware that truth and sharing are the only values in life.

Written by Simon.

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