Nirvana is not a place it’s an ability.

Nirvana is not a place it’s an ability.   Nirvana is not a place it’s an ability. Aware to make every moment perfect, creates a perfect life. Kindness has no enemies. …   Your own Karma is the only thing can control you. Karma create by who? Yourself. Your own karma going to control you.

Differences between Eastern and Western Martial Arts

Comparing Western Physical Training and Eastern Martial Arts 1. Westerners concentrate on building up their bodies and are more concerned with their appearance than their performance. If people were racing cars, Westerners would only be interested in the shell. Eastern martial arts are not about caring how big that shell is, but how aerodynamic and

Tai Chi (Taiji)

This is a philosophy as well as a martial art technique. (The correct spelling is “Taiji” but “Tai Chi” is more common.) The philosophy of Tai Chi comes from Taoism. According to Taoism, the essence of life has no limitation. In Chinese it’s called wuji. According to the philosophy, wuji acts in two opposite directions: